The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Married Florence Ratchford (Penn State '47) while in Med School (Jefferson Medical College, Class 51). Took a Naval Internship and spent two years on Guam with the Navy as a Medical Officer during the Korean War. Settled in Cherry Hill, NJ as a Family Physician in 1956 for 36 years with a former classmate Dr. Benjamin Paradee. Have 7 children. Currently semi-retired. Living alone-Flo expired 2001. However, fortunate to have 3 children and 6 grandchildren living nearby. Flo and I loved Penn State-lots of great memories! Still keep in touch with a few surviving members of her sorority (Gamma Phi Beta X). Active with the SNJ Alumni Chapter. We bus 50-60 people to the Alumni Homecoming football games each fall.